Sketch o’the Week: Charlie’s Angels!

In case you haven’t noticed, almost all the sketches (all but the Angela Lansbury) I’ve done of famous classic TV detectives over the last several months have one thing in common… they are all white guys. There were not very many women or persons of color playing detectives, private or otherwise, on TV shows that were really big hits back in the 60s-90s. I’m going to try and find a few of the exceptions in the next few weeks, and then I think it’s time to move on from the TV detective series. This week’s subjects are certainly a perfect fit as well-known classic TV sleuths… and they are definitely women… but I had to draw THREE of them and who has time for that?!? So, I had been avoiding them, but this week I took the plunge and drew Charlie’s Angels. The originals, not the pretenders from various reboots.
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No Cheryl Tieg??
Since Cheryl Tieg was never in “Charlie’s Angels”… no. No Cheryl Tieg.
Great line work!