Sketch o’the Week- Kirk Douglas!

September 25th, 2024 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

In a rare break from tradition, the original of this sketch is still available in the Studio Store!

This week’s “Famous Movie Moment” features Hollywood’s most famous chin, the late Kirk Douglas from the “I am Spartacus” scene from the 1960 movie of the same name. Well, actually this is not from THAST scene, but is just Kirk in the role.

The film was directed by a young Stanley Kubrick, who took over after original director Anthony Mann was fired only a few weeks into the shoot. Douglas’s production company was producing the film, so they brought Kubrick on board after Douglas’s work with Kubrick on the 1957 film “Paths of Glory”. “Spartacus” is also famous for being picketed by the American Legion when screenwriter Dalton Trumbo was blacklisted from the mainstream film industry as one of the Hollywood Ten, and president John F. Kennedy crossed the picket line to see the film in an effort to help end the blacklisting.


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