Sketch o’the Week- Marlon Brando!

July 1st, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on Marlon Brando for both my SotW and Tom’s Daily Coronacature. This is another good example of doing a caricature of a character as much as of the actor.

Brando would often transform himself in roles to the point of being almost unrecognizable as himself. In “The Godfather” this was particularly true. The make-up played a part but it was the way he spoke, held his head with the heavy jowls jutting forward, had the sleepy-lidded eyes, that created the “presence” of Don Corleone. The makeup created the thick eyeliner/lashes and the “mumps” look in the jaw. Those are the things one looks to exaggerate in order to caricature the character as much as the physical features of the actor which includes the distinctive nose and heavy brow. All this combines to give you fodder for your exaggerations and expression in your caricature.


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