Sketch o’the Week: Olivia Newton-John!
Oh, SANDY! I was sad to hear of the passing of the charming Olivia Newton-John at the too-early age of 73 a week or so ago. My sister Tami was a HUGE fan of the movie “Grease” back in the late 70’s so I saw a lot of Olivia through osmosis back in grade school. How could you not love that movie?
Olivia was a wonderful talent and of course did a lot more than just “Grease”, but that’s the part I’ll always remember her in. It occurred to me after I had three daughters that the MAD parody of “Grease” got it right and the ending was a not a great message for young girls… if you want the boy of your dreams you need to dump your morals, start smoking, and dress like a slut! That’s not quite what it meant, of course. Sandy just embraced her party side, and Danny met her in the middle. Plus, it’s just a movie… Lighten up!
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Right from her first movie appearance (Funny Things Happen Down Under) you could see she was headed for big things. He death served as a double blow down here in Oz as only 4 days earlier we lost Judith Durham of “The Seekers” … this sketch really is a shining light in a dark week. Thankyou TOM!