Sketch o’the Week- The Bundys!

August 11th, 2021 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s sketch is another TV show that could have been part of that “History of the Sitcom” piece I did for CNN… Katey Sagal and Ed O’Neill as Peg and Al Bundy from “Married… with Children”. As always, the original is available in the Studio Store.

This show has a special significance to me because from 1990 to 1994 I did the pencils for about 25 issues of the “Married… with Children” comic book for NOW Comics. That was a lot of drawings of the Bundys done by a young artist whose skill set still needed a lot of work and growth. Fortunately I was too dumb to realize that, so I spent 4 years doing somewhere around 500 pages of that book. It was good experience, and I even got paid for (most) of it.


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