Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week- The War Doctor!
February 5th, 2014 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
I give up. Due to popular request from some very obsessive Doctor Who fans, I give you Doctor 8.5 aka The War Doctor, as portrayed by John Hurt. I will not be drawing David Tennant‘s hand, which having regenerated in an episode apparently counts as an individual Doctor regeneration, nor any of the actors who filled in for original doctors who passed away, nor Peter Cushing from the separate film versions. Thank you.
Oh, and here’s the whole lineup, with sketches inserted:
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Are you gonna give up and sell this as a print??? How much would it cost for someone to commission you to recreate the piece (like you did with James Bond) with 8.5 and 12 drawn in?
Question 1: Never. The only way I’ll ever do another Doctor Who lineup like that is if I did completely new caricatures of all the Doctors, and I don’t see myself doing that anytime soon. Maybe a few more Doctors down the road.
Question 2: A LOT. More than it’s worth, no doubt.
Draw Cindy Lou Who! (She’s no more than two.)
I like the Lio hair. Impressive!
Just when you thought it was safe, all of a sudden you get two more Doctor’s in such a short period of time. It’s as if they used the Tardis to watch your creation, and timed it to bugger you up. That’s the great thing about Doctor Who. You never know. By the way, thanks for leaving Peter Cushing out of the equation. Those movies took liberties that they never should have.