Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sketch o’the Week- USS Enterprise!
October 24th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Not the NCC-1701(x) imaginary version, but the CVN 65 real thing. I actually did this for the USO and it will appear in their magazine On Patrol soon. Marker/pen on sketch paper.
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Nice Tom! Very “Joseph Clement Coll” if I ever saw one,lol! Love the B&W stuff. Did you start with a rough pencil first or started right with pen & ink? Bristol or Illustration board?
Thanks, Lee! I did do a light pre-drawing of the general shapes and major elements of the ship, then went right in with the pen.
Sooo reminds me of Hank Caruso!!!
Good stuff. Do you find “technical” drawings more difficult than people or are they about the same?
Actually I find doing drawings of mechanical things easier. Noodling around with little details is relaxation for me.
The Navy testing a new catapult system. May implement to the future Ford class carrier. hehe 😉
Love it!! I sent it to my boyfriend on the ship!! Not sure how he will feel about the sling-shot cat though!! He provides those parts!! 😉
thanks, i needed a good laugh this morning. i think that this is the best drawing of the ship that i have ever seen
Very cool, Tom!
Beautiful! Loose and tight at the same time. I can tell you had a lot of fun with this.
Tom-love it-born in 1950 & my Son’s on the Big E now coming home soon her last Cruise Gonna have to share with him-Great work!!
Tom, I saw this sketch on the USS Enterprise Facebook page…I love it! Especially the newly designed “catapult” you have in your sketch. I read the articles & looked at all the photos of the visiting artists on board the carrier.
I just want to thank you for going & brightening the spirits of our sailors. What a gift you all gave to go & sacrifice time and your talents to lift the spirits of our men & women while they served our country. I hope my daughter was in the ones to get a caricature done…of course I scanned the photos looking for her & didn’t see her, but then again, there’s only more than 5,000 sailors on board!
Thanks again, & LOVE LOVE LOVE your “sketch-o’the week”!
As with all the USO tours I have been lucky to be a part of, it is always my pleasure and privilege to get to meet and draw for the men and women serving our country. They are heroes.
Congratulations Tom, for this superb drawing and for the whole USS Enterprise adventure!
I have found the Facebook pictures:
Oh! Just amazing! I really like this different sketch! How long did it take to do it? (I know my english is not very good)
I tremble when having to render anything mechanical or motorized! IMPRESSIVE, Tom!
I served on her from ’97-’03, great job!!!
Awsome drawing! Is it playing angry tomcats or something?