Sketch(es) O’the Week- The Palm!
Kind of busy right now so I don’t have time to do a real SotW… here are a few concept drawings I did this past summer for a company that provides all the artwork for the Palm restaurants around the country. If you’ve never been to a Palm, it’s a restaurant with the walls covered in cartoons, caricatures and illustrations depicting famous people from the area, patrons, etc. as well as general gags and humor.
I did the following as concepts for possible inclusion in the redesigned Palm in L.A. I have no idea if any of them actually made the walls down there. If anyone in L.A. visits the new Palm, let me know. Clicky any to embiggen…
Steven Tyler and Joe Perry plus some L.A. promoter/producer
Mel Brooks, Judd Apatow and Carl Reiner
Lewd lobster gag
Steve McQueen
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