Richmond Illustration Inc.
Sneak Peeks for MAD #8!
May 31st, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The official sneak peeks at what’s coming up in MAD #8 have started, beginning with TV Insider’s look at Game of Thrones Spin-offs!, featuring PhotoShop art magic by former MAD art director Ryan Flanders, and written by Brian Firenzi! One of the many spin-offs pictured above.
They also released a look at the cover, art by Jason Seiler:

Ecccch. The entire nauseating issue hits the stands on June 11th!
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The Flandy-Man is back! Nice to see another “old” guy making the cross-over. Thanks Tom!
One of the grossest covers I’ve seen in a while. I’m remembering the Alfred peeing in the snow way back in issue ???. I love these new covers. No politics-just good fun.