Some Caricature Animation Fun
I’ve met some terrific artists through the National Caricaturists Network, and one of the best is a young man named Joe Bluhm. Joe is a tremendously talented illustrator who is one of the best caricaturists I’ve ever seen. He won the NCN’s highest honor, Caricaturist of the Year in his first year of competing and has been busy as a hard working NCN member, both as an officer and editor of their magazine Exaggerated Features, as well as getting his illustration career rolling.
Joe recently moved from Orlando and the theme park caricature scene to New York City to work full time for the animation company SO! Animation. He is working in character design, and his caricature skills are not going to waste.
These video shorts were done prior to his coming to the studio full time, but were based on some of his sketches. These are very short but entertaining… Tom Cruise is such a ripe target:
There are other SO! Animation videos on Youtube and at the So! website to check out, just click on the video windows above. Visit Joe’s website to see some incredible caricature art, and hopefully soon we’ll see even more of this kind of animation with Joe even more involved.
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Joe will become a BIG name in our business and it is a delight to watch his career develop and flourish! The NCN is such a cool organisation!