Some “Live Style” Commissions

This weekend I’ll be at C2E2 in Chicago for a for realz, live and in person Artists Alley appearance. Here are a handful of the “live caricature style” commissions I did for NYCC that took place in October. The “live style” drawings are done using the black and white pencil/blending stomp technique I do when I draw live caricatures, except of course I work from photos. This first one is a rare straight commission not involving caricatures, which are always fun. The rest are caricatures of celebrities or “Alfred as…” drawings.
As I mentioned last week, I will not be doing a virtual version of this convention. I need to keep the drawing board open for the stretch run of work on CLAPTRAP. Sorry! If you are at C2E2 this weekend look me up in Artist’s Alley at table V-05!

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