Some New Caricature Samples
Every year when the theme parks open up I always say I am going to get at least 6 new samples done to hang up and replace some of my older ones… for a while this year we had one I had done of Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner from “Star Trek: The Next Generation”… with ALF coming out of Data’s open skull!! Circa 1991 I think. Yikes. There is no kid alive today who would recognize Alf.
It was busy on Monday but not so busy I was not able to do some new samples for the wall. Faithful readers will recognize them as sketchbook studies I’ve previously posted:
Harrison Ford
Amy Winehouse
Edward Norton
As always these are meant to demonstrate how our live caricatures turn out, therefore they are done the same way with graphite and freehand airbrush on 12″ x 16″ paper, and using no other tricks or taking no more time and would be reasonable to take on a live one. You can always see these and others in the Caricature Gallery.
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damn these are all solid, great with the likenesses, that one of ‘indy’ cracks me up.