Richmond Illustration Inc.
Star Trek Geek Nirvana!
March 9th, 2010 | Posted in Surf's Up Dept.
Okay, this might just be the ultimate toy for the Trekkie/Trekker/Total Star Trek Geek…
A WORKING phaser?!? Wow. I’m not even a very big Trek fan and I think that is on a whole ‘nother level of cool.
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Can I have one ?
I think they took the laser from a blue ray player and modified it, obviously.
=) thats really cool, but yeah its probably a modefied lazer =) still it can pop baloons and stuff =D
Awesome…can hardly wait to see the transporter! Great article and photos in the recent “Stay Tooned”. You actually outdid Mike Peters on the grin thing…a MAJOR feat!