Stay Tooned Issue No. 3
On my way to San Francisco today, but at least I’ll have something to read on the way! Issue # 3 of the excellent “Stay Tooned!” magazine appeared in my mailbox on Wednesday.
This issue features profiles of two of the members of my local NCS Chapter, the “North Central”: editorial cartoonist Paul Fell and illustrator Cedric Hohnstadt. Also featured are profiles on Chad Carpenter, Benita Epstein, R.J. Matson, Jim Scancarelli, Richard Thompson and Mike Witmer. There are addtional articles by Mark Tatulli, John Kovaleski and Mike Edholm, as well as regular columns and contributions by R.C. Harvey, Norm Feuti and myself. Cover by Richard Thompson.
Stay Tooned! just keeps getting better. Editor and publisher John Read really puts his heart and soul into this magazine, and it shows. Sharp printing, nice paper, great layouts and fantastic content from cover to over. This is truly a worthy successor to “Cartoonist Profiles”. If you have any interest in cartooning, you are seriously missing out on something special if you aren’t getting Stay Tooned!. Go subscribe at this website right now, and while you are at it buy up the first three back issues. No kidding, there is no other publication of this type in the world, and the world needs one… especially one this well done.
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