Still One Spot Open in Toronto Workshop, Other News
Due to a last minute cancellation I still have one spot open in my workshop in Toronto on June 1-3rd. I won’t be back in Canada anytime soon, so jump on that!
In other workshop news, my August 14-16th London workshop is back to being sold out and the November 9-11th workshop in Los Angeles is also sold out. However, as you can see with the Toronto one, spots do open up and sometimes at the very last second, so email me and get added to the waitlist if you wanted to take the class but didn’t pull the trigger in time.
Sadly the Sept 7-9th Las Vegas workshop is on the verge of cancellation. I need 5 more students to meet my minimum. If you are thinking about it now’s the time to register.
Other than Las Vegas I have six spots left in my Oct 12-14th Minnesota and Nov 30-Dec 2nd Phoenix workshops, and that’s all the availability I have for 2018. Everything else is sold out! I will not be doing half as many workshops in 2019, so grab these spots while they are still open.
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