Stuff from my Studio #11: A MAD Portrait!
This is one of my favorite pictures in the world. It was taken by photographer extraordinaire and author of the terrific books “The Artist Within” Volumes 1 and 2, Greg Preston. The 2012 National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award Weekend took place in Las Vegas, and we had both a MAD panel and a 60’s “MAD MEN” themed party to celebrate the magazine’s 60th birthday. I still pinch myself that I am included in this photo of serious legends of cartooning and comics (and a couple of models). This picture is hanging right above my drawing board to motivate me to work hard so I can really deserve to be part of this group. It’s a bit bittersweet right now since with the sudden passing of Nick Meglin this summer, three of these cartooning icons are gone… Nick, Jack Davis and Don “Duck” Edwing. Sergio Aragonés and Sam Viviano are still kicking, and Al Jaffee will probably outlive us all… in fact he may be immortal.
Anyway it’s signed by everyone, and somehow I ended up with one of the ones I signed. A treasure.
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What is a typical day of Tom Richmond like? I mean working hours:morning, afternoon, and night. How many hours minimum would you suggest for a beginner cartoonist a day drawing if he/ she must succeed