Richmond Illustration Inc.
Stuff from My Studio #8
May 10th, 2018 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio
Another episode in this occasional feature where I show something from my studio and tell the story behind it. Here we have another seriously awesome Bat-item- a 3 foot tall statue of Bats as he appeared in Frank Miller‘s “The Dark Knight Returns”. That 1980’s graphic novel was what really got me back into comics. I got this as a little present to myself after wrapping up a killer book job.
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Oooh that’s a beautiful piece.
That’s awesome!
Love this Tom. But even more, I love the little Mego batman in the background! Now there is my childhood… fantastic!
Still have my Mego Batman even though one mitten glove is gone and my Mom made a fabric cape for it and Superman. I had that hard plastic Batman helmet when the show was on. That thing scratched up the face from the rough edges! I was too old for that stuff but was/am a superhero addict.
Where’d you get the Miller statue Tom?
Never mind – I found it – and the price! WOW! That must have been some book project!