Stuff from my Studio- Tarantino!

It’s another fascinating look at some of the stuff from my studio! In this episode we have a gander at the two “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” prop prints I have signed by director Quentin Tarantino!
I have told this story in detail here before (visit here, here and here for the entire sordid affair), so here’s the short version: Back in 2018 I was hired to create two fake, 60’s era “Jack Davis flavored” magazine covers to be used as props in the film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. I did both digital and traditional media versions. The real paintings I hand delivered to Quentin on the set of the movie. I also brought along prints of the art for him to sign for me, which he most graciously did while we had a nice 20 minute conversation about MAD, his love for the magazine as a kid, and some of his favorite MAD memories. I am a big fan of Quentin’s movies, so getting to meet him was a distinct pleasure. I have to give the film’s prop master Chris Call another shout out for not only finding me to do the job,m but for arranging that meeting. Thanks again, Chris!
These signed prints now proudly hang in my studio! If you are having trouble reading the inscriptions, here they are:
“To Tom, Thanks for bringing back my TV Guide memories!”
“To Tom, Great Job! Jack would be proud!”
This has been another short but thrilling episode of…

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