Sunday Mailbag: Empty!
Looks like it’s that time again… no questions to answer in the mailbag. I actually only have to post this maybe once or twice a year, and only because many of the questions I get are repeats of ones I have answered more than once in the past (I’ve had this feature running for ten years, and this is the 484th “mailbag” post) or of the “please show me how to crosshatch” variety that are impossible to answer in a few paragraphs. Several regular readers have accounted for a great many of the questions answered here, and for that I thank them.
It’s entirely possible that people have run out of questions. There are only so many questions people might have about freelancing, illustration, MAD, etc. So maybe this feature has run its course. I guess that’s up to you.
So, if you have questions concerning cartooning, illustration, freelancing, MAD Magazine or other similar subjects I’ll be happy to answer them as best I can. E-mail me your questions and I’ll try and answer them here!
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