Sunday Mailbag- Kickstarter?

Q: I heard an interview with you on a podcast earlier this summer where you mentioned you and another MAD creator were planning on doing a Kickstarter project, but I haven’t heard anything more about it. Is that still happening?
A: Yes. Longtime MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I have been working on a project all summer, and we are just putting the finishing touches on our Kickstarter campaign. I’ll start foreshadowing a launch planned for mid September soon…. actually with this mailbag answer! Look for some more hints over the next week, and a launch the week after that! We hope people will get behind the project.
Thanks to Pete Fraiser for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me and I’ll try and answer it here!
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Why haven’t I heard about this?!?
Please consider putting the campaign on Indigogo as it has some features that Kickstarter doesn’t. One is it lets you extend the length of the campaign and leave it open when the campaign ends as an Indemand store. Indigogo also lets the buyer make multiple backings on different tiers, Kickstarter only lets you back once or change the tier but you can’t make multiple purchases without having to make another account. Indiegogo also lets you add items to add after you have selected a tier. Example: I select a tier then as I go through the check out process I get to add on other items to my backing, items can be another book, tshirt, etc. So please consider researching for yourself the benefits of Indigogo. Maybe you can run the campaign on both Indiegoge and Kickstarter offering an exclusive item to each platform. Oh, and no I don’t work for Indiegogo, I have just seen many successful campaigns using that platform. Best of luck and looking forward to the campaign. I plan to back multiple times.
Looking forward to it. Maybe morph into a MAD like magazine.