Sunday Mailbag- New Books or DVD?
Q: Any new books on the horizon? I thought you mentioned a while back that Sketch-o-the-Week Vol. 2 would be out in October. Also,have you ever thought of putting out a dvd? Your book is so well done and thorough and inclusive,but speaking as someone trying to learn, actually seeing how an artist moves their hand to get a certain line or effect is actually quite helpful.. I just think it would be a cool compliment to your already amazing book.
A: Well, Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile is officially released on Tuesday, but as far as self published books I have only one on the horizon.
Indeed I was hoping to have Sketch o’the Week Vol. 2 out in time for New York Comic Con but this summer and fall have been crazy with travel and jobs that I did not have time to put it together. I will have it ready by next month sometime though.
I have no plans for a DVD or video version of The Mad Art of Caricature!. That’s what the workshops are for. I much prefer to keep any teaching I do exclusive to these in-person workshops. There is no shortage of online tutorials or purchasable video lessons/classes on caricature. In fact, a good number of them are just teaching things straight out of my book anyway, so there you go.
I am seriously considering doing an updated version of The Mad Art of Caricature!, however. In the course of teaching these workshops over the last two years I have found new and better ways to demonstrate concepts and approaches to caricature, and I think the book could be improved by including these new ideas. I’m due for another reprint of the book soon, but perhaps in 2019 we will see The Mad Art of Caricature! 2.0.
Thanks to Mark Braem for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me and I’ll try and answer it here!
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Looking forward to your new books!
Looking forward to your new and edited book and hope you would give some discount to those who had already bought your book previously. Hahaha…..
Exciting News! Will you include the Chapter about drawing children you once mentioned?