Sunday Mailbag: What to Start With? (w/Videos!)
Q: When you draw caricatures, do you start with the shape of the head or another feature, i.e. the eye and from there work around it?
A: When I am working in the studio on a caricature I always start with the head shape, then work in the basic shapes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then I continue to add more and more details until I have a finished drawing:
When working live, I do the opposite. While I THNK about the overall head shape and how the interior feature shapes fit inside of it, I draw from the inside out, starting with the eyes, then nose, mouth, etc:
Okay, that’s not really a “live” caricature since Einstein has been dead since 1955 and I doubt he sat for many live caricatures even when he was breathing, but that is my basic live caricature process. That video is from 1993, BTW. That’s still TWENTY FIVE YEARS OLD! It’s obviously time lapsed as opposed to speeded up, but you get the idea.
Thanks to Daniel Sowerby for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me and I’ll try and answer it here!
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That’s interesting that you have 2 different approaches, depending if you are working live or in the studio. Why do you suppose that you work differently depending on your environment/situation? Is it because you are using layers in a computer which allows refinement and erasing, versus drawing with a marker which is permanent in the live sketches? Thanks for writing about this!
It has nothing to do with working digitally vs. traditionally. It’s mostly about the quick-draw nature of “live” caricature and the speed you work at. You don;t have time to sketch and erase to work out your caricature first like you do when in a studio setting. You have to draw it with bold, spontaneous lines, and for me working inside out is more fluid and forgiving than starting with the head shape, where you are locked into all your feature relationships immediately.