Surprise CLAPTRAP Backer Thank You!

Today is the final day of our campaign, and Des and I have our over 600 awesome backers to thank for not just reaching our initial goal, but all our stretch goals! We are humbled and grateful for all the support, and we can’t wait to continue to work on the book and share our progress with backers and everyone as we go.
As a way of saying a big, CLAPTRAP thank you to all those who backed us during funding part of our project, we have a surprise perk for you!
Everyone who has backed the project from the “Clod” level and up will be getting this exclusive, limited edition, 6×9 mini-print of the prop MAD cover I did for Quentin Tarantino‘s “One Upon a Time in Hollywood”, which appeared quite prominently in the movie! This is NOT a reproduction of the cover of MAD #9, but the actual prop image that was used in the film.
If you backed us as a Clod or higher (sorry all you “Putz” backers, your digital only perk doesn’t have anything to ship to you that we can include this with), we will include this print along with any other goodies you got with your copy of CLAPTRAP when it ships out to you next year. If you are one of the many who took advantage of the “Rube” add-on perk (which will no longer be available after 11:59 PM PST, when the funding part of the campaign ends!), we’ll put it in with your other mini-prints, so you get it right away!
This is just for you, backers! I’ll never make this available anywhere else, not even at comic-cons. It’s Des and my little way to say THANK YOU for the amazing support you have shown for the book!
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Tom, great perk, but can you explain the difference in “a reproduction of the cover”…and “the actual prop image that was used in the film.”
The cover of MAD #9 was an actual published MAD cover and while it used the same art it was dated Oct 2019, with a $5.99 price, had “Special Tarantino Time Warp Issue” on it and has a browned/aged edging effect. This mini-print is the actual prop image used in the movie, numbered 65 and dated Sept ’61 with a 25 Cent price, no extra headline copy and no aging effects on the edges. In other words, this mini-print is what actually appeared in the movie, as opposed to what appeared on the 2019 cover of MAD #9. Get it?
Thanks, Got it! Easy to understand with the ‘splanation.
Tom, the cover says it’s issue number 65. It’s a lovely added bonus! Thanks for thinking of us backers who supported your project. It make our effort more meaningful. I’m so glad to be a part of a project that celebrates a long tradition that Mad Magazine had. I’m currently working on the list of films that I’ll send to you, soon. There’s one 1980’s action film that, suprisingly, didn’t get a parody, but the sequel, did, This film will, no doubt, be elected as one of the final three. My other choices.. not so sure, but as a movie buff, I’ll send you them anyways. Have a great weekend and Thanksgiving next week. I’m so delighted things worked out for us Mad Fans.