Richmond Illustration Inc.
Swedish Ninja Action Tonight!
July 12th, 2021 | Posted in General

We interrupt our weekly journey through my MAD archives for this important announcement… my son-in-law Leif Sundberg aka “The Swedish Ninja” is competing for the 4th time tonight on “American Ninja Warrior” at 8/7c on NBC! Rumor has it he’s one of the early runners so tune in on time to watch all the action. You MIGHT even catch some of the Richmond clan cheering him on! Leif is a phenomenal athlete and his run is sure to be exciting! The above piece of art was a commission for a young MAD and Swedish Ninja fan. #americanninjawarrior #ninjawarrior
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That’s awesome! Love that show. I’ll definitely be watching.
He was unbelievable last night. Managing to get off those rollers was just an accomplishment that no one thought he could do. It must have exhausted him though making it difficult to finish. Did see you and your family and it’s great that Victoria is doing so well since she had that issue a couple years ago. So I guess they set something up so that you guys could watch it live while it was really happening, eh?
That escape was incredible. Yes we watched it live remotely. He told us after he was exhausted from doing that and that’s why he couldn’t finish. He’ll be back!
Btw it was not Victoria who had that medical emergency a few years back, it was Gabrielle, my youngest daughter. She ended up finding the root cause of it all was a tumor in her small intestine. She had that removed last month and is doing well.
Tom, sorry I confused your daughters but glad Gabrielle is doing well.
I think I know Noah’s Dad (a prominent MAD colllector)!
It’s funny to see you draw someone from Sweden… It feels close to home for me. However, I’m not a wrestling fan!! Jazz, films and good entertainment will do it for me. I am glad, too, about the good news about Gabrielle. I hope you are having a nice summer, Tom.
Thank you, Andreas!