The Lovely Anna by Arnold Roth!
Tomorrow is the 88th birthday of one of the greatest American cartoonists ever, the incredible Arnold Roth. I’ve been lucky to have been able to get to know Arnie and his delightful wife Caroline through the National Cartoonists Society, where he is a former President, winner of numerous awards including The Reuben Award in 1983, and fixture at the annual Reuben Awards Weekend. He’s a cartooning genius and one of the funniest people you will ever meet.
Last October when we were in NYC for the New York Comic Con, we had a surprise 50th birthday party for The Lovely Anna at a bar and restaurant in Times Square. A bunch of NCS members attended as they all love Anna. The Roths were there and presented Anna with the above piece by Arnie. She was floored… what a treasure! It’s framed up and hanging proudly in the Richmond home. Jealous? You should be.
Happy birthday Arnie! Anna’s working on her version of you right now!
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