Richmond Illustration Inc.
The MAD 20- 2014 Edition
December 5th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Every year MAD Magazine does a feature called “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things” of the year. The 2014 edition of the MAD 20 will appear in issue number 531 (cover above), which will be on newsstands on Dec. 16th and (supposedly, but not yet) on the iPad today.
The last few years MAD has been giving various website exclusive sneak peeks of various parts of the MAD 20. Some have begun to crop up already. Here’s two of them:
Courtesy of
This one from Craveonline:
In case you are wondering I did one of the MAD 20 this year. Can’t share it yet until the online exclusives all run their course, however. 🙁
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