The Mad Art of Caricature 2.0 a Go!
Thanks for all the great feedback on the possible second edition of the book. I received a lot of great thoughts as well as some enthusiastic support of the idea. Some of the suggestions were things I was already planning on doing, and some were things I didn’t realize people would like to see added or see more of. The second book will contain (among other possible things):
- Rewritten and rethought concepts and approach of caricature fundamentals throughout
- New sections or expanded sections about drawing children, older people, specifics like mustaches. beards, glasses, etc.
- A chapter on drawing/exaggerating bodies
- Expanded chapter on live caricature techniques, including “exercises” on working from subjects with my version shown later
- Updated chapters on freelance work and my MAD process
The book will also include a new foreword, afterword, preface, and of course a new cover. I’m estimating an additional 30 pages of material plus another 20 pages of significantly updated pages.
Some of the things people are asking for I just do not think belong in the book. Things like digital illustration/inking/coloring techniques, or drawing live caricature gag bodies, etc. This kind of thing is peripheral information that would make the book more of a “kitchen sink” approach. That would cause it to be unwieldy and unfocused, IMO. I prefer to concentrate on caricature itself, with a little extra stuff thrown in around the edges. At probably 224 pages, this is getting to be a big book. If it’s too big it becomes a chore to use.
I am seriously considering doing a Kickstarter campaign to both fund the printing of the book and to generate attention for it. There would be opportunities for people to get not just a signed copy of the book, but exclusive prints, original art, a caricature of them or the subject of their choice in an “Artist’s Edition, and possibly a few other goodies. I’ve never been big on crowdfunding, in fact I’ve never done it, but doing second editions of books is tough with respect to distributors and wholesalers. This might get the ball rolling on transitioning to the new version.
Thanks again for all the suggestions and support. Gotta get writing!
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I would be willing to pay up front and get the goods you have to offer and I am willing to wait for the product s
I will support a kickstarter for this. Awesome news
Me too to both the comments above. I’ll support a kickstarted campaign or pay up front and wait for it if you don’t. My order is 1 x Hard Copy and 1 x Digital to put on my iPad!
Throwing money at my phone!!! I’d buy it in a heartbeat!
Yes, I would pre it !
I’m in!!
If it’s okay, I’d like to make one more suggestion. As I’ve commented in the last posting, my current copy of your book is literally dog-eared and tape is holding parts of it together. Your book and the version 2.0 are workbooks, as far as I’m concerned, and it would be ideal for me if it were bound differently. A spiral binding would be great as it could be opened and laid flat without putting any pressure on the binding. I have no idea of cost differences between the current binding method and a wire spiral bound method, but I’d be more than willing to pay extra if in fact it cost more.
I think using kickstarter would be such a great idea. People know and trust you to produce the finished product, so I’m sure you’ll have no problems getting the required funds. I’d definitely contribute to that!
I’ll have to wait till this revised book is available at our bookstores in Singapore. For the first edition, I paid US15.00 for it to be shipped to me. This is 60% of the book’s cost which is very high for this jobless man.
I’m not sure what your point is here. If you are complaining that shipping costs are expensive, what would you like me to do about that? Shipping costs are what they are. I have no control over them. In fact I am often underestimating them and paying more to ship items overseas than I added for shipping.
Tom. Your last book was absolutely awesome and so helpful! I’m definitely interested in a second version! I understand what you said about colouring etc but I know that personally, it would be extremely helpful for pointers as to where to lighten and shade the areas in the face. I’m a colourblind artist (which is handy!😀😀) so any advice with the shading/ highlighting would be super! Thanks Tom and I love your work!
Hi Tom, I’ll definitely be getting the new edition. When getting the new edition will that make the version I have now not relevant if several chapters get updated? or will it still be wise to use both books? I suppose I could donate it to charity if the new edition is the only book needed. Cheers Pal, keep up the excellent work.
I would buy the new book tomorrow!!!!