The Mad Art of Caricature 2.0?
I mentioned this in passing a few weeks ago here, but I am seriously considering doing a substantial rewriting of my book The Mad Art of Caricature“.
In teaching all these workshops I have come up with some new concepts and ways to explain the process of seeing and drawing a caricature that I think are worthy of inclusion. To be honest, these workshops have changed the way I approach my caricatures as well as how I teach others. That said, it will be a lot of work to revamp the book because I am not talking about adding a couple of pages of fluff. This would be a rethinking of a number of the fundamentals that would result in a rewriting of substantial sections of the book, as well as the addition of at least 24 (and likely a lot more) pages of expanded material.
My question is, would people be ready to buy an updated copy of the book? How much new material would you consider enough to warrant plunking down another $20-$25 for the 2.0 version? What would you ant to see in an updated version?
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If you write it, I’ll buy it! Also, I don’t think you covered drawing bodies before and I think that would be a cool addition.
Tom, I gladly pay 50$ for this. I’d love to see your insight on your teachings of the these caricature seminars, and anything else caricature related. By the way your new Freddie Mercury caricature was fantastic.
Please write it. I have attended your workshop and really learned a lot. If you can update with some information on using digital tools that will be wonderful. I look forward to getting the new book. $25 is a good price.
Siiiiiiii, yo feliz de tus nuevas ideas y trabajo
Yes, I would buy it. 24 pages expanded and updated sounds great. I’d love to see additional recent drawings as well!
I’m ready…
I think that anybody who has your first book and appreciates the value of the lessons learned from it would be chomping at the bit for an updated version
Yes to the first question. The other two require more thought. But yes.
Add.some info on drawing the figure from imagination, storytelling and inking and I would defimitely rebuy.
I’d be interested in an actual book as opposed to an e-book.
I’d sure buy it, Tom! What I would like to see in 2.0 would be a bit of information (as much as you can fit in) and tips on digital caricaturing and coloring. Also choosing reference pictures and caricaturing backgrounds and props and… well, all the help you can give and all you think you can teach a learning caricature artist!
I’d buy it. My favorite parts of the old version was that presentation of a step by step breakdown you did of drawing a caricature and explaining the decisions you made at each step. I also really liked seeing where you showed how to draw things wrong, right beside of how to draw it the right way (like how teeth aren’t like a fence). And any page where you showed a photo of a real person beside the caricature you did based on it. More of that sort of thing would be great. I’d also like to see where you show a photo, show the caricature you did of it, then show a 2nd caricature of that same person but from a different angle. I always have a hard time fully understanding/visualizing how exaggerated features actually occupy three-dimensional space and how, for example, giant cheeks might look at a 3/4 view. You kinda did this near the end with some turnarounds, but they were all from straight on and profile view.
I’d even pre-pay for it. My current copy is dog-eared and literally being held together with tape. In version 2.0, I wouldn’t change a whole lot, but I’d like to see more emphasis on helping us to develop the ability to quickly spot the key feature differences between Lenn Redman’s “Inbetweener” and those of who you’re caricaturing.
In other words, I’d like to be able to walk around in a crowd and instantly decide what features I would most likely exaggerate if drawing each person I looked at. That, I believe, would be the ultimate skill which I would like to develop in regards to caricaturing. You’ve obviously mastered this in that your caricatures look more like the subject than the actual subject.
I understand that much of that ability comes from practice, but I still see old time caricature artists who still don’t fully capture the key differences between the subject’s features and the Inbetweener’s. I don’t know if this can be accomplished with a book, but maybe you could develop a drill we could do, either with photos or out and about, that if done enough would result in more easily seeing what to exaggerate.
Yes great idea ,would the frist book go out of print
Yes. I would stop printing the first one.
Create free video resources and demos that can be given with each purchase. Then turn it into a giant, bad-ass iBook/app.
Magnifico profe… Desde Colombia ya lo estamos esperando… Let’s go!!
I would like to see color thery how do different skin tones different ways to color I can airbrush but have not learn how to color in a caricatures not good with computers but want to learn how to use them and iPad for photo regance,scale I draw large want to learn to draw on copy paper size,I like drawing with no.2 pencil but more about markers lots to dos
I will be attending your Orlando class! I have your book with me at all times. I purchased a hard copy and the PDF that I keep on my iPad. Like in Field of Dreams…if you write it we will buy.
When will it be available I am ready to order my copy 👍🏾
Yes, yes, yes!!!! You write it and I’ll buy it.
As for content, I would trust you implicitly to include what you see as necessary. I also agree with the previous comment that it would be good to include a section on your approach to drawing bodies
Please bring out edition 2!
I bought 8 copies of the first one, so I would have no problem buying a new one. Your book is honestly the most comprehensive art tutorial i’ve ever read. I can wait to see what kind of insight inspired you to revamp.
An Emphatic “YES !!”
Yes. It would be nice to see more reference photos with the final caricature art next to it.
I’ve enjoyed the first edition in both physical and digital editions and would love to see an update. I especially liked the step by step at the end of the book and would love to see how you have adapted it because of practical experience from the workshops. That alone would get my order and anything else is a happy bonus.
I would gladly pay twice that for the new version. The current version is hands down the best caricature instruction book I’ve ever read. To be fair though….I haven’t read that many caricature instruction books…
Absolutely YES , I would plunk down dollars for Version 2 . Many of us would I am sure !!
Yes, I’d definitely buy it! Suggestions for additions may be a colour template that you use for skin tones, hair, lips, teeth and eye colour – while we can use a ‘colour picker”, I have found that the colour selected is generally different to the colour that “goes down” as it’s laid in a lowered opacity so not quite the same. I’ve got an idea of the “average” Caucasian skin, but get lost when I have to draw someone of a different ethnicity. While we’re at it and probably not something you’re too keen on, but links to videos of you drawing – I don’t think I am alone in saying that I can learn a lot by simply watching how someone draws. Looking forward to 2.0!
I’d like to see more caricatures of children. Or older folks with lots of wrinkles. Or maybe even pets. It would be fun to be able to do family portraits.
I’ in!
Yes, I will buy one.
That would be great! I’d buy it👍
I would definitely buy 2.0 for whatever the price is. I would like to see a section on your approach on drawing bodies of the caricature subjects.
Great idea, lots of work for you, but I’m sure it would be worth every penny and I’d buy it! Like others here, I’d like to see additional information about bodies, and clothes.
Also, something about ‘live profiles’ or profiles in general would be cool. Back in 2013 (April 18th to be exact) you posted some profiles you did (and had to redo). I found them fascinating but I can’t capture the ‘caricature look’ when I try. There must be ‘rules’ for those, too.
Pl go ahead. Will buy.
Agree with all previous posts in that a version 2.0 would be greatly appreciated.
I would also “second” that a section on drawing the full figure both male/female
would be a fantastic addition.
Looking forward to project going forward!
Thanks from your fans.
I want it!!!