The MAD Blog: R.I.P
Well, it was interesting while it lasted. We laughed, we cried…. etc….
Back in June of 2006 I started The MAD Blog thinking it would be a good outlet for my writing and a chance to share some of my experiences and insights into the world of cartooning, caricature and freelance illustration. I also hoped it would be a great exercise in creative thinking… trying to come up with worthwhile topics for posts, articles and the like. I knew it would be a challenge, and that it would take some of my time and energy every day. So far I have not failed to make a post every single day. While some have been not exactly of the Pulitzer prize winning ilk, there have I think been a few that people have thought were worth their time to read. The tutorials especially have gotten some positive reader response.
One thing I did NOT want The MAD Blog to become was any of the following:
- A dreaded chore
- A drain on my time and energy
- Something that got in the way of my paying work
Unfortunately The MAD Blog has become numbers 2 and 3 above. I have found myself more than a few times working up a post for the blog when I have work on the board that needs doing. As much as I have enjoyed the experience of doing a blog and some of the positive feedback I’ve gotten from people, in the cold light of reality it just does not make sense to continue this level of commitment to it. There is nothing tangible being gained, and certainly no proportionate return for the not insubstantial amount of time I have devoted to it in the last 22 months. I’m not talking about money, because I never expected the blog to generate any real revenue. Balanced against the time it takes me away from my work, my family and my other interests it’s just hard to justify the time involved. This last month my workload has been so incredibly intense that the reality of something having to give has really hit home.
So, it’s with a heavy heart that I put aside my pen… uh… I mean my bluetooth keyboard, say “goodbye” and retire The MAD Blog. I may occasionally post here now and then, but it will most often be weeks between posts and they will mainly be the occasional notification that I added something to my main website or something of that nature. I have always been a kind of all-or-nothing guy. If I can’t give 100% to something then I don’t want to do it at all.
Before I go I have two very important things to say… important to me anyway. First, I want to thank everybody who had taken the time to make a comment here and has been a regular visitor… I know that more than a few people visit here every day and it really made my efforts worthwhile. Secondly, and most important of all… speaking of days… what day is it again? Oh, yeah….
Sorry… couldn’t resist. Don’t think you can get rid of me that easily! Takes up too much time? I am the fastest #!$&*@ two-fingered typist you have ever seen! I’m just getting warmed up! Look for more inane, senseless drivel, how to tutorials (yes, more “How to Draw Caricatures” posts are in the works) and the occasional goofy drawing or two each and every day here on The MAD Blog!
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You totally had me going. Good one!
Reminds me of the time in art school when they replaced all the india ink bottles with disappearing ink.
Ha ha, very good Tom. You totally fooled me for sure. My wife is impressed too as I caught her out earlier with the old cellophane across the toilet seat trick!
Ya flamin’ mongrel! π
Add another sucker to the list.
The MADblog down!…
I cannot emphasize enough how I enjoyed the blog of Tom Richmond.
Therefore today’s article is the saddest I can imagine.
However, thank you for the nice time.
April fools come once a year and I have seen thirtythree 1st Aprils already…
CURSES BATMAN!!!! Tom you got me! Do I need this, do I? I was crying in my coffee, half asleep and pretty bummed. Totally got me buddy, TOTALLY!!! π
Take Care
Phfew. Don’t scare us like that!
I have to admit I was totally sucked in. I’m so happy that you’re not closing up shop that I’ll forgive the prank!
Heart…stopped….can’t type…anymore……
Bah – add me to the sucker list.
I was about to cry–then I saw the red font. Nice…
Damn you, Richmond. I soiled my pants because of you and your silly attempt at April Foolishness. I will be sending you the bill for my dry cleaning. Wait, on second thought, I will just send you the pants. ___You’re mean.___But glad you’re sticking around. You wise guy.
omg- I was about to cry. . . So glad I read on!
Durr…you really had me going there…we’re all very happy to hear you are choosing us over your family.
Heh heh…
The Lovely Anna did call me a “Poop Head” for this today, as I did not tell her about the post either and she fell for it. Anna’s cursing skills may need work… of course she will never be able to match the “stream of consciousness’ cursing brilliance she exhibited during the births of each of our four kids. There are professional sailors who still whisper the legend of those performances with awe.
HA! I’m the king of pranks, I take April Fools like Christmas, ( or chanukah) you cant get me that easy. I knew all along… APRIL FOOLS!!!!!! (I had no idea what you were planning, you got me… DANG!)
You got me as well, way to go! Happy Fool’s Day!
Oh… uh… Didn’t see THAT coming…
There’s some bitterness.
ouchh!! what was i’m thinking! should have known better. well, i guess i should say, i got punk’d!!!
I totally bought it too.
Won’t work next year though!
Crummy day today came home fired up th Mac and finished a couple of quick jobs. Thought I would go to the blog to see what was what and BAMMO. Thought what a fitting end to a day from hell, my favorite blog site is going away too.
HA HA yup fell for it hook line sinker and boat trailer and had I not scrolled down when I did the truck too.
Take Care,
Add me to the fools list too … I was already planning my comment of misery.
I literally thought ‘Crap! No way … what the hell did I used to read every morning with my coffee?!”
J x
Thanks for the gag. I’m not gonna lie though, I called you many dirty words until I kept scrolling down. I apologize for my bad language !!!
Don’t ever stop this blog . . . never, ever . . .