The Pen is Afoot, My Dear Watson!
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the availablility for purchase of the sculpted Sherlock Holmes pen that was based on my illustrations of Holmes for the audible collection of the complete Sir Arthur Conan Doyle collection One Voice Chronological: The Complete Holmes Canon. That announcement was a bit premature, as the web page meant to enable buyers to purchase the pen was having some trouble.
Well, that is all corrected and the new ordering page is up, running and seems to work great on either a PC or a Mac, at least on my Mac using FireFox. While you are at it, visit the main web page of vocal maestro David Ian Davies and follow the links to sample some of his Holmes readings on His work is mesmerizing. He has applied his talents to several other classics available on that I have downloaded and enjoyed as well as the Holmes canon, including Robert Louis Stevenson‘s Treasure Island, works by Edgar Allen Poe, H.G. Wells‘ The Time Machine and many others including one I am currently listening to, Edgar Rice Burrough‘s Tarzan of the Apes. All great stuff that it is hard to believe is all done by one person.
The sculptured pen is very well done… I can actually see my original drawing in it:
I have had other 3D work done based on my drawingd which have not been nearly as successful. It’s a must for all fans of Sherlock Holmes. I will have a permanent link to the ordering page on my blogroll on the right. Currently I am working with David’s son, who is the the producer of this and many other resin cast pens and items, on a line of pens based on my artwork. I will let everybody know when and where they will be available.
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Not sure if you’re aware, but Arthur Conan Doyle’s grandfather was a famous caricature artist.
Yes, he came from a family of artists. His grandfather John Doyle was a political cartoonist for The Times and his uncle Richard was an illustrator well known for his fairytale/Grimm book and magazines illustrations, especially for Punch magazine. His father was also an artist but didn;t do anything of note, struggling with alcoholism and was eventually committed.