The Reviews Are In!
Well, one review anyway… from They have some nice things to say about Jacob Lambert and my new book Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile. Of the three kids book parodies I drew for MAD, this was my favorite. I find it more challenging to parody the look of a more simple, minimalist art style than a more illustrative, elaborate kind of art. It took some thinking and experimenting to merge the Batverse with the Mo Willems Pigeonverse, but in order for a parody of something like Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus to work, the look of the visuals must capture enough of the flavor of the target. The addition of the little penguin sidekick was my idea, and I think that helped.
Anyway, this would make a great Christmas gift to that little Bat-Fan in your life. It’s 100% all-ages appropriate as well. You can get it in fine and not-so-fine bookstores everywhere, most comic book shops, or you can buy a signed copy with or without a sketch in it here.
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