Richmond Illustration Inc.
The Unfoldable Al Jaffee
March 23rd, 2009 | Posted in General
Like an idiot I forgot to post a big Happy 88th Birthday to MAD‘s Al Jaffee on the 13th of this month (incidentally, another long time MAD artist shares that same birthday, but Sam Viviano is a relative spring chicken at a mere 56 years old). Well, Al never blogs about my birthday, so maybe I don’t feel that bad about it.
For those who, like myself, are in awe not only of Al’s lifetime of fantastic work but that he’s still at the top of his game at 88, here’s some links to a great three part interview with Al by The Daily Crosshatch:
If you print out the interviews and then fold part three so it meets part one, the secrets of the universe are revealed… or maybe it’s a recipe for chili.
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