TMAoC- Back in Stock!

In case no one noticed, there has been no copies of The Mad Art of Caricature to be had anywhere for about the last month. My distributor has been out since the end of the year, Amazon ran out the middle of January, and I have had no copies in stock here since Feb 13th.
That’s because the ninth printing of the book (yes… NINTH PRINTING) was delayed somewhat by the fact that I switched to a different printer and the rough winter weather the last month. The original delivery date here in Minneapolis was Feb 4, which got pushed back to Feb 14th due to weather issues and then pushed back AGAIN to the 18th, and then got delayed AGAIN thanks to another freaking snowstorm here. I finally got the books yesterday. The new printer did a great job, and these copies are saddle stitched, so any problems with pages coming loose if the binding glue comes undone will be gone.
Anyone who ordered the book directly from me since Feb 13th now has their copies on the way. I just shipped 200 plus copies to Amazon yesterday to get them caught up with their backorders, so if you are waiting on an Amazon-purchased copy that will be on the way soon. My distributor is busy taking care of all their backorders, so it should be back in stock in your favorite bookstore soon!
I’m hoping this will be the final reprint of The Mad Art of Caricature!, and the next run with be The Mad-der Art of Caricature!, but I have a feeling that I will need one more run of this one before that updated version is ready.
My sincere thanks to everyone who has bought this book. There are over 30,000 copies of it floating around somewhere. I am constantly hearing nice things from people who say they really learned a lot from it… which is the highest praise you can get.
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