TMAoC Book on Amazon! Need Reviews!
Phase two of the marketing of my book, The Mad Art of Caricature! is on with the listing of the book on As I discussed in this post, listing the book through on-line retailers like Amazon (and soon Barnes and Noble) brings the book beyond the relatively narrow audience of this blog and offers it to the world-at-large. The trade off is that Amazon takes a whopping 55% of the cover price, and I have to pay to ship the copies to them, so the amount of profit I realize on a sale through them is significantly less than when I sell it directly through Deadline Demon Publishing. That’s retail, though. Of course those buying it from Amazon don’t get it signed (big deal!) nor can they get an Alfred sketch.
I am asking my readers here for two favors:
- If you bought a copy of the book from me directly, please review it for me on the Amazon page. Well, only if you liked it. If you thought it sucked, then just ignore this entire post. Reviews increase the exposure of the book and the ranking on search terms. We’ve sold and shipped almost 1,000 copies of the book directly, so if even 10% of buyers took a few moments to post a quick review, we’d have almost 100 reviews! No expectations, but it would greatly appreciated. Please review it today!
- If you have not bought the book yet and are thinking about it, please do so through Deadline Demon Publishing directly. Amazon is selling it for the same cover price (although they still have not processed my first shipment to them, so they are showing it “out of stock” right now), and while you can save a few bucks on shipping if you are an Amazon “Prime” member (we are matching standard Amazon shipping costs of $3.99 for U.S. orders), note that it will not be signed. If for no other reason, if you are a reader of The MAD Blog!, buying it directly from us or directing people you are recommending the book to to do so helps support the blog. We are still seeing multiple orders per day, and I hope that will continue despite the other outlets that are going to start cropping up.
I’m happy to sell the book through Amazon, of course. If I wasn’t I would not have listed it there. However we’ve been working hard to ship direct orders within a day of placement complete with signatures and personalization, so we are just as efficient and convenient as Amazon… and a whole lot friendlier!¬¨‚Ć I am hoping those who frequent this blog will help support it by continuing to buy directly, and recommend others to do so.
** Thanks to the many who have already posted positive reviews on Amazon. Frustratingly, the book still does not appear AT ALL on a search for “how to draw caricatures” on Amazon. ???! I can understand being at the bottom of the list as a new item, but NOT AT ALL???!
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I posted a glowing review. Amazing book. I use it almost every day.
I am planning on “gifting that book” to myself for Christmas. Always love seeing your work even if I have zero talent for drawing. . . we can always admire what we cannot do.
Will continue to post a very prominent link on my page to your Deadline Demon page.
Hope you get a few direct sales out of it!
Any other web people could do the same (you know who you are).
My review just went live on Amazon. Still working my way through the book and I can already see improvement in my drawings. Now I can’t look at people anymore without trying to see the relationships of the five shapes ;o)
Okie dokie, just posted a review just waiting for it to process. Wonderful book Tom, pick it up at least once a day, sometimes more depending on how bad the flies are. Ha thanks for all you do, we appreciate it. Good luck!
Your book is great for anyone trying caricature. In addition, my wife has just flipped through the book, and she has now the sense of observation of the five shapes of the head for all the people who spend … on TV.
It’s beautiful.
In Europe, it costs only 30 euro, including transport!
Big Congratulations .
Will review it when I receive it
When I am ready to order the book I would be doing it directly, not through Amazon or anything else.
Just posted the review. Great book Tom, we need to get it in our gift shop.
Posted mine yesterday and it’s up. Start posting, people! It’s another way to give back to this wonderful blog (and it doesn’t cost you anything)