Tom’s Daily Coronacature Book!

Well, that’s a wrap! 100 days of posting a subject and doing a caricature every day! Whew! It’s been a wild ride but a lot of fun… although it’s put a serious crimp in my studio work. Thanks to everyone who participated! We saw a lot of great caricature art and a lot of earnest effort. Well done, all! Just another reminder that even though I am stepping back, caricaturists Bob Murphy and Dave Snyder are taking the reins and will continue “The Daily Coronacature” in the same format: a new subject each morning along with a few reference pics to get you started. Your best bet to follow along will be on our Facebook Group Page, but the subject will also be posted on the Tom’s Daily Coronacature Instagram account, and use the hashtag #tomsdailycoronacature. I’ll be doing every Wednesday both there and here on my blog. Bob and Dave will do the rest.
I’ve had gotten a LOT of inquiries as to if I was planning on doing a collection of my 100 TDC drawings. Your wish is my command. You can now preorder Sketch o’the Week Vol. 3: Coronacature Edition! The book contains all 100 sketches I did for the Daily Coronacature, in order. It’s already at the printers and should be delivered and shipping by July 15th. $12 (cheap!)

If you are a big spender, you can get both the book AND a randomly selected original Daily Coronacature sketch! I sold quite a few of the originals directly but I have a number left, so here’s a chance to get one of the originals featured in the book for just a little over half the price I usually sell them for. The rub is the sketch is selected randomly, so no requesting a certain subject! These are outrageously overpriced at $70.

Finally, if you are really a glutton for punishment and have a hole in your bookshelf you need to fill, you can get all three “Sketch o’the Week” volumes for $30!
The book aside, I didn’t do “Tom’s Daily Coronacature” as a commercial endeavor. It was a lot of fun for me to set these goals and draw along with everyone for over three months straight, and became a labour of love. It got my mind off all the craziness and I got a lot of laughs from all the great caricatures people posted of our subjects. Thank you all for giving 2020 a bit of a bright spot!
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