Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Daisy Ridley!

May 25th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my take on today’s subject, Daisy Ridley! I find her hard to capture because when trying to push the exaggeration of one relationship it causes some others to be compromised. For example, she has a petite, pointed nose, but she also has a very small chin and very little space between her mouth and nose. If you exaggerate the short space between the nose and chin, her nose almost has to be longer or everything below the eyes is exaggerated small, and that washes it all out. The only way to pull it off is to give her bigger eyes, a wider face especially in the jaw area, plus a bigger forehead. She also has an interesting mouth. In many expressions her bottom lip becomes a straight line, with the opening of her mouth happening above that line with a curved upper lip. However her rather prominent front teeth stay mostly behind that upper lip, and you see her bottom teeth almost as if she has an underbite, but they are not forward of the front teeth. That small chin looks even smaller with the protruding lower dental area.


  1. med saracay says:

    Hi tom , how do you do you caricatures ? is pencil or digitally paint brush?

  2. medsarakay says:

    i like it vey much thank you Tom!!!


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