Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Emma Stone!

Here’s my caricature of Emma Stone for the Daily Coronacature.
Emma has a very cute, wholesome, “girl next door” sort of look. She reminds me a little of Lindsay Lohan before all the drugs and booze. Emma has a tiny, short nose and quite big eyes. However when she smiles like this her eyes get very squinty, so the need to be wide to make sure they still occupy a lot of the face width, and the prominent bulges under the eyes become important as well. She has a toothy smile with “downturned” corners, which you occasionally see in people with big smiles. Most of the time we associate a smile with the corners of the mouth curving UP toward the ears. The “downturned” smile has the mouth corners curving DOWN away from the ears. If you draw the mouth shape that way your subject can look like they are grimacing and not smiling. The smile happens with the cheeks and eyes rather than the mouth corners.
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