Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Mr. Rogers!

June 14th, 2020 | Posted in Daily Coronacature

Here’s my Fred Rogers. I decided to add some of the figure because that’s so a part of his persona.

This subject is challenging to caricature because he doesn’t have a very strong and identifiable expression that is associated with him. He is known for being very mild, calm, and even keeled. Having such a soft and understated “presence” give you nothing to exaggerate in terms of personality, so you are left with trying to capture that calm and mild look.

Physically he has a few things to exaggerate. He’s got a fairly wide and large forehead area, and dark, heavy eyebrows that extend almost past the outside corners of his eyes. He has a pleasant smile that does not show a lot of teeth, but some of his teeth are a little crooked and stick out somewhat oddly. He has a smallish chin, and some deep creases along the outsides of his mouth. None of these elements jump out at you, so trying to overly exaggerate them will probably lead to less recognizably with the caricature.


  1. Nice work.


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