Tom’s Daily Coronacature- Robert Pattinson!

Still struggling with a lot of different projects with tight deadlines, so this one is a bit late today… upcoming star of “The Batman” Robert Pattinson.
At first Pattinson seems to have an easy face to caricature. He has a very square chin and sharp, angular features including an amazingly square jawline and prominent cheekbones. He also has heavy, dark eyebrows, a sharp, pointed nose and sort of sleepy eyes. However different angles of his face seem to present entirely different head shapes, and there is a lot of subtlety about his features and expression that can be elusive. I found that trying to really push the exaggerations makes it tough to get any kind of really strong likeness. The only thing that really seemed to work was a long face, with the widest part in the forehead/cranial mass.
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