Richmond Illustration Inc.
Totally Forgot…
July 6th, 2010 | Posted in News
… to do my annual post about The MAD Blog‘s birthday. As of June 26th, the MAD Blog has been chugging along for 4 years. The stats as of today:
- 1,594 posts
- 0 accidental deaths or dismemberments
- 1 regular reader (Hi, Mom!)
So far so good. Up until my recent decision to take Saturday’s off from posting there has been at least one post every day. Thanks to everyone who has supported the MAD Blog by visiting, reading, commenting and occasionally tipping.
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- On the Drawing Board (160)
- Presidential Caricatures (47)
- Sketch O'The Week (847)
- Stuff from my Studio (21)
- Surf's Up Dept. (29)
- Tales from the Theme Park (17)
- Tom's MADness! (149)
- Tutorials (18)
- Wall of Shame (17)
You have a regular RSS subscriber here who often goes back to read old posts!
For me, a beginner, the blog has been helpful to understand the caricaturist world. I was always frustrated because I couldn’t draw like the tutorials teach, but later I saw that it’s just directions to us make our own style. Well, send a hello to your mother for me, hauahauaha.
Large life to blog.
Congrats!! Thats cool. I usually check out the blog every day.
Hey congratulations! I’ve following your blog for the past 3 years and I find it very interesting and helpful!
Nice one Tom, always enjoy your blog.
Far and away the best blog on this subject I’ve ever encountered. As a designer and artist you never fail to educate and inspire – here’s to may more years. Cheers!
I read the blog since the last year. Congrats!
Great blog, congrats. Your tutorials are very helpful and your drawings are always awesome
…(except for that cake :P)
Hi Tom finally i can read your blog once again i was really busy studying graphic design and hopefully ill be graduated this year. Its been a year now that a met you in Calicomix and this week begin once more. Ill catch up with your blog this week. Congrats, Take care.