Upcoming Virtual NYCC Table!

This Thursday was supposed to be the start of New York Comic Con, which was subsequently cancelled. This constitutes the fourth comic-con I was supposed to appear at in 2020 that has been shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. This one is arguably my favorite con of the year, and The Lovely Anna and I are sad we won’t be in the Big Apple this weekend seeing so many friends and peers.
Like the other three cancelled cons, I will instead be opening up my “Virtual Artist’s Alley Table” here on my website for the same hours as the physical convention was supposed to take place, which will be Oct 8-11th. I should also be linked to the “Metaverse” online event that is being held in lieu of NYCC, although I have no idea how that works or what it will entail. Here on my website I’ll be doing the same “Virtual Artist’s Alley Table” I did for Wondercon, Emerald City Con, and San Diego Comic Con. I’ll be charging the same prices on commissions and merchandise as I charge at a convention table. Free US shipping on any orders over $45. All you are missing out on is the crushing crowds, body odor, and people with admirably positive body self-image wearing poorly selected cosplay outfits .
If you aren’t familiar with what I offer at comic cons but not here in my Studio Store, that would be comic-con style commissions. One thing I do are “live caricature” style 12″ x 16″ black and white graphite drawings of whatever subjects you want me to draw… they can be of you, your mom, your plumber, famous people or fictional characters. I also do those of Alfred E Neuman “as…” any character you like. The one of the Wolfman and the Monster at the top of this post is one I did in this style for a customer for my last Virtual Artist’s Alley Table. I also do mock “MAD” covers like this one:

They can be in pencil (cheap-ish), brush pen and grays (expensive-er), or full color (outrageously pricey-est). 9″ x 12″ on bristol in pencil, brush pens, and Copic markers.
I will also be debuting a NEW limited edition print. A lot of people have been after me to do this one, so… I did it! I’ll do a reveal on Thursday when the table opens but here’s a hint… it will be shaken, not stirred.
So, stop back here on Thursday and get yer junk. I do have to say I am likely going to have to limit the number of commissions I take on this time. It’s looking increasingly like the CLAPTRAP book is going to be funded, and I will be working like a MAD man on that for the next 9 months! So if you want a commission, better jump on it early.

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