Richmond Illustration Inc.
USO Cartoonists Story in Stars and Stripes
October 18th, 2009 | Posted in News
Here’s a link to a news story in the Stars and Stripes about our visit to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany prior to our shipping out to do more of the same in the Persian Gulf. There are a number of pictures. The polish soldier in the pictures really did laugh so hard we thought he was going to keel over after I showed him my caricature of him. I haven’t killed a subject yet… although a few have thrown up and one peed their pants once. Fortunately the guy didn’t die but he might need fresh stitches.
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Laughter is great for the healing process, and I suspect that Polish soldier healed much faster because of you.
I can only imagine how great it felt when you saw his reaction first-hand.