Video Sketch o’the Week- Claire Danes
And now for something completely different…
Reader Daniel Singley wrote me a week or so ago to ask if I was ever going to do a digital video “Sketch o’the Week” like I promised I would back in 2008. Well, here it is, with mixed results (actual drawing time 18 minutes):
So, there you have it, a video record of a caricature of Homeland star Claire Danes, finished result way up above. I included the reference pics I used in the video as well.
I am not overly fond of drawing on the computer screen. Even though I have a Cintiq, there is still a physical disconnect with me and computer drawing. I got frustrated towards the end of this one, and sort of quit. I’ll give it a better try sometime soon.
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All art is abandoned art. And the artist is the only one who can tell. The outcome looks amazing! Great job! Keep ’em coming.
Great Tom. Now you can draw transvestites.
I guess you’ve never seen me draw Sarah Jessica Parker.
It turned out great!, and an interesting demo. The reference pics are appreciated too. I remember seeing a sheet of Alec Baldwin ref pics you used for the “30 Rock” parody, that also demonstrated the choice’s of what to accentuate from the original source material. I like both the normal, and digital drawing result’s. Just in different ways.
It’s great, Tom, but nowhere near your pencil sketches.
I vote for more video sketches of the week! Great learning tool!
Love this.
Thanks for the drawing of Claire! More Homeland caricatures, please! And one of Tom Hiddleston, please! Capture his amazing smile.
Love it! Also loving the book. Any advice or demonstrations you share are always considered invaluable in my book. Thanks for taking the time to show those with less experience your process. To me its like watching my favorite baseball team play. A win is great but watching the pieces fall together adds even more magic.
Wonderful Tom… It is look nice!
That was awesome!
That was so much fun to watch! I liked seeing the order of the steps. Thanks for making it!
Excellent. I hope you do more. I’d also love it if you did some where you did some voice over explaining what your doing. Even if its just about tips for brush settings.
Was this video sped up? I assume so, but you never know.
Whoops disregard that last question, I missed the last line somehow.
I loved this video. Any time you have the opportunity to watch the “in between” steps and the order in which they are done you can gain so much additional knowledge.
Awesome. Here’s hoping there’s many more of these!!