Virtual Corona-Con Table Break…

I’ve had to take a break from accepting any “Virtual Comic-Con” commissions for a little while. I am terribly far behind on the ones in the queue, and freelance jobs with tight deadlines keep popping up. That’s a good problem to have, but I can’t in good conscience take any new commissions until I get caught up.
For those of you who have been waiting patiently for your artwork, my apologies for the (in some cases) LOOOONG wait. I will be working hard to squeeze them in around the edges of all this other stuff I have going on. I should be caught up by the end of June. Thanks for your patience.
Don’t worry, I’ll open up the Virtual Artists Alley Table again in a few weeks, with not only the “live” style and mock MAD covers commissions, but a new limited edition print, a new book and some other goodies.
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A good problem to have while many are unable to find work!