Virtual NYCC Table a Wrap!

That’s it, my Virtual NYCC Artist’s Alley Table is closed up! Thanks to those that stopped by and got one of my new prints, a commission, or any of my other junk! You can always buy my prints, books, etc, in my Studio Store, I just won’t be doing comic con style (and priced) commissions until I reopen the Virtual Artist’s Alley table again.
My next scheduled comic con is C2E2 March 26-28th, 2021. Who knows if that will actually take place or not. I think not… I would be amazed if we were enough out of the woods on this pandemic for something like that to be allowed to take place. Events like a comic-con or major trade shows are probably among the last things to come back.
So, it’s more than likely I’ll be opening my virtual table back up for C2E2 next March. If you missed out this time around, put that one on the calendar!
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