We Interrupt this Blog….
…aaaaand, we’re back!
Maybe nobody noticed, but the blog and my website has been down since early yesterday afternoon. I returned home late last night after spending the day setting up a new caricature booth location to find I was getting database and SQL errors galore whenever I tried to open either my website or my blog.
It’s funny how you get used to something and when it’s suddenly not there anymore you realize how much it’s integrated itself into your life. I sent several e-mails (that still worked) out to my web host and the folks who programmed my site in a bit of a panic, thinking my site had somehow become corrupted and I would have lost everything since my last backup which was… never. That’s not quite true, my web host backs up all their servers daily so at worst I might have lost a day or two depending on the timing. Still, I felt somehow like I’d come home to find burglars had robbed my house when my website was suddenly “gone”.
As it turns out, that was not far from the truth. Replies to my e-mails informed me my web host had a “security breach on the servers” and all passwords had to be reset, plus the username on my blog database and password changed. Once tht was all done the website was back up, but my blog was still DOA. I have never studied PHP and know very little about the programming language, but have learned a bit through osmosis. I knew enough to realize I had to modify my WordPress config.php with the new database user name and password. Viola…. the MAD Blog lives.
Sorry for anyone who tried to visit and got nothing but a database error for their trouble. I was impressed with the response of my webhost a2zhost.net, and the speedy solution.
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Whewww!! – Glad is all and well and was recovered!!