Welcome to Tom’s Blog!
For the last year or so I have been resisting the pressure to join the 21st century and start a blog of my own. Now that it seems like everyone and their dog has a blog and it’s gone from novel to hip to commonplace, I finally buckled and this is the result.
What do I have to talk about? Well, my intentions here are to use this space for a number of things. For starters, I’ll be posting announcements about news and things going on with me. I’m also planning on posting sneak peaks at upcoming projects and things I am working on or just finished for clients, including MAD. I also plan on having a weekly feature or two, like a “Mailbag” entry where I answer some questions sent to me via e-mail every week. I may even occasionally rant about something that’s driving me crazy or heap praise on something I have discovered and love. Of course I’ll have my links section on the bloglist you see on the right. I am planning on making entries here often… we’ll see if I can make that work.
Since I don’t have the time to moderate a lot of responses here, I will only ocassionally “turn on” the comments feature. If comments are allowed and you wish to leave one, you’ll need to register by clicking on the “Register” link near the bottom of the blogroll column on the right.
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- Surf's Up Dept. (29)
- Tales from the Theme Park (17)
- Tom's MADness! (149)
- Tutorials (18)
- Wall of Shame (17)