Win one of my Doctor Who Prints!
Earlier this fall I was contacted by the people behind the adorable LindaLee Rose, a five year old Whovian who hosts the YouTube series Lindalee’s Doctor Who Review, about how much they loved my limited edition print. I sent them a couple, and now LindaLee is offering to give one away in a contest on her show. Just watch the above or visit this direct link to watch her latest “Fan Art” episode with the contest details.
If you watch the entire (about 5 minute) episode, you’ll see her last contest gave the winner a custom piece of “name art” with their name created in a Doctor Who theme, and with their favorite Doctor drawn in, art by a guy named Wayne Tillet. I knew nothing about that until I saw the episode just now, but I happen to know Wayne. Like me, he’s a former Fasen Arts theme park caricaturist and now does his own thing. Small world.
Anyway, Lindalee is a cutie and her show is pretty popular among Whovians.
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