Richmond Illustration Inc.
Win Some, Lose Some…
May 28th, 2007 | Posted in News
MAD art director Sam Viviano can’t believe I actually won an award.
No time to blog right now, as we are on our way back home from the NCS Reuben weekend. I will write a comprehensive synopsis of the event tomorrow.
I just thought I’d say I am pleased to announce I did win one of the two divisional Reubens I was nominated for on Saturday night. I won for Advertising Illustration. It is a huge honor and it’s quite moving to be recognized by a group full of legends, inspirations and incredible talents such as the NCS. I am humbled and honored.
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Congratulations Tom.
Well done Tom!
Congratz Tom.
Very cool, Tom. Congratulations!
You are really funny, Tom!!! I am really pleased you won an award! Way to go!
Congats on your win!
Congratulations Tom, and can’t wait to hear more about it upon your return!
Worthy winner Tom many Congratulations.
Congratulations, Tom! Wish I could have been there to applaud your win! Looking forward to what you have to share about the weekend. Again, congrats!
Score! Congratulations!
Thanks, one and all!
You are far, far too humble. It’s well deserved.