Richmond Illustration Inc.
Workplace Poster Art
December 20th, 2012 | Posted in General
As promised, the final art for that workplace poster I posted the rough sketch of yesterday. If anybody is interested, here is the copy that accompanies the image:
It’s a combination of first-class individual strength and effort … mutual support and encouragement … and a willingness to go down to the mat for the camaraderie and good morale that build success.
That’s what these workplace posters I am always doing are… messages about teamwork, customer service, stress management and similar concepts with a humorous (hopefully) image to help make the point. I have been doing these for 12 years for this client, and estimate I’ve done around 140 posters.
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Looks Great Tom,
What a run 12 yrs 140 posters. It would neat to see an album of your work, over the years, for them.